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Mighty Myth Month: Take it easy, man.


Just about every belief system has some sort of official “time out” for its believers. And it seems the further we detach ourselves from each other, through technology, busy-ness and business, and the electronic and technological strangulating hugs (yes, my laptop has a grip on me like an anaconda dancing with a capybara), we can barely breathe anymore–we’re being loved to death by our own inventions and ways of life.

Taking these times to re-focus on our beliefs takes many forms. For some, it’s Friday evenings, others Saturdays, some Sundays, and some a combination depending upon sun-up and sun-set. Some take a few times a day to re-focus their thoughts on their beliefs and faith, others have intermittent rituals throughout the day, week, or month, and year.

Regardless, perhaps you should also take some time for yourself. It’s not selfish. It’s a good thing. As I was reminding a student the other day, you have to put your own oxygen mask on first in order to help others survive.


Find a few moments each day where you demand nothing of yourself, and others ask nothing from you. Just be. Even if it’s for 30 seconds. Don’t write, talk, call, ask, laugh, or consider.

Just breathe.


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One thought on “Mighty Myth Month: Take it easy, man.

  1. I like to read or listen to music.

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